January 22, 2013

Stog has been available in Opam since release 0.4. The Stog_writing and Stog_rdf plugins are also available in Opam since yesterday.

To install them, just type

opam install stog-writing stog-rdf

For information you can see the source code of the page.

<post title="Stog in Opam"
keywords="opam, plugins"
Stog has been available in
<ext-a href="http://opam.ocamlpro.com">Opam</ext-a> since release 0.4.
The <doc href="plugins/writing"/> and <doc href="plugins/rdf"/> plugins
are also available in Opam since yesterday.
To install them, just type
<command-line>opam install stog-writing stog-rdf