February 13, 2013

Release 0.7.0 of stog is available from the Installation page.

For information you can see the source code of the page.

<post title="Stog 0.7.0"
Release 0.7.0 of stog is available from the <page href="/install"/> page.
<ul id="changes">
<li>mod: split (un)install target into (un)install-lib and (un)install-bin,</li>
<li>add: -I and -package options to stog-ocaml-session,</li>
<li>add: new scripts mk-stog, mk-stog.byte, mk-stog-ocaml-session
    to create custom stog and stog-ocaml-session,</li>
<li>add: option --stog-ocaml-session to stog, to indicate the program
    used to evaluate ocaml code,</li>
<li>fix META file,</li>
<li>add: support for authors in the RSS feed. Thanks to Gabriel Scherer,</li>
<li>mod: use ocamlfind to compile.</li>