March 20, 2014

Release 0.11.0 of stog is available from the Installation page.

Changes include:

To migrate a site made with Stog <= 0.10.0, you have to perform the following steps to handle the change in the terminology (paths instead of hids, documents instead of elements) and the corresponding renaming of rules:

You can (adapt and) apply the following script:


mv .stog/templates/elt-in-list.tmpl .stog/templates/doc-in-list.tmpl
sed -i -e "s/<elements/<documents/g" *html */*html
sed -i -e "s/element/document/g" .stog/config
sed -i -e "s/elt-path/elt-navpath/g" *html */*html .stog/templates/*
sed -i -e "s/hid/path/g" *html */*html .stog/templates/*
sed -i -e "s/elt/doc/g" *html */*html .stog/templates/*

For information you can see the source code of the page.

<post title="Stog 0.11.0"
Release 0.11.0 of stog is available from the <page href="/install"/> page.
<p>Changes include:</p>
<ul id="changes">
<li>the term "element" is replaced by "document", and all
  <rule>elt*</rule> rules are replaced by <rule>doc*</rule> rules,</li>
<li>the term "human id" is replaced by "path". In all rules and
  attributes, "hid" is replaced by "path". The <rule>doc-path</rule> rule
  is replace by <rule>doc-navpath</rule>,</li>
<li>document path now includes the extension of the document's filename;
  when referencing a document, the extension is only needed where
  an ambiguity is possible between two documents whose paths differ
  only by their extension,</li>
<li>new rules <doc href="module_base#as-cdata"><rule>as-cdata</rule></doc>,
  <doc href="module_base#late-cdata"><rule>late-cdata</rule></doc>,
  <doc href="module_base#date-now"><rule>date-now</rule></doc>,
  <doc href="module_base#date-today"><rule>date-today</rule></doc>,
<li>new option <doc href="running#filter">--publish-only</doc>,</li>
<li>more generic way to define an alternative document when using
  the <doc href="module_base#documents"><rule>documents</rule></doc> rule,</li>
<li>new attribute <ixml>format="..."</ixml> for rules
  <rule>date</rule>, <rule>datetime</rule>,
  <rule>date-now</rule> and <rule>date-today</rule>,</li>
<li>defining twice the same id in a document is not an
  error anymore but a warning is emitted,</li>
<li>use Higlo syntax highlighter when possible,</li>
<li><rule>cut-doc</rule>: add previous-path and next-path in definitions
  of cut documents, to create navigation links,</li>
<li>merge CData in resulting XML trees when computing documents,</li>
<li>urls of <icode>.../index.html</icode> documents now include a final "/",</li>
<li>the new <rule>stog-dir</rule> rule is pre-defined to return the
  absolute stog directory,</li>
<li>(fix) compile and install <icode>odoc_stog.cmo</icode>,</li>
<li>(fix) when creating by-topic, by-keyword and by-month documents,
  update existing documents if they exist,</li>
<li>(fix) default <icode>doc-in-list.tmpl</icode> template now handles
  dependencies on listed documents,</li>
<li>(fix) compile and install .cmxs files,</li>
To migrate a site made with Stog &lt;= 0.10.0, you have to perform
the following steps to handle the change in the terminology
(paths instead of hids, documents instead of elements)
and the corresponding renaming of rules:
<li>In <code>.stog/config</code>: replace the fields <code>elements</code>
and <code>not-elements</code> with <code>documents</code>
and <code>not-documents</code>,
<li>In all your documents, templates (in <code>.stog/templates/</code>)
and modules (in <code>.stog/modules</code>):
<li>replace <code>elt-path</code> with <code>elt-navpath</code>,</li>
<li>replace <code>hid</code> with <code>path</code>,</li>
<li>replace <code>elt</code> with <code>doc</code>.</li>
Of course, if <code>elt-path</code>, <code>hid</code> or <code>elt</code>
appeared in another context than Stog rules, beware not to replace them,
<li>Rename the templates whose name contains <code>elt</code>, typically
  <code>elt-in-list.tmpl</code> must be renamed to <code>doc-in-list.tmpl</code>,</li>
<li>In your commands (for example in your Makefile),
the <code>stog.multi-elt</code> plugin must be renamed to <code>stog.multi-doc</code>.
You can (adapt and) apply the following script:
<hcode lang="sh" defer_="1"><include raw="true" file="./"/></hcode>