The stog_dot plugin eases the inclusion of Graphs using the Graphiz tools (dot, ...).

The Graphviz tools must be installed to use this plugin.


$ stog --package stog_dot ...

This plugin adds a new base rule <dot>. Here are the possible ways to use it:

Output to graph1.svg, using an <img> node to show the image:
digraph g { rankdir = LR; a [ shape="box" ] ; a -> b; a -> c ; b -> c ; } ]]>
<dot outfile="graph1.svg">digraph g {
  rankdir = LR;
  a [ shape="box" ] ;
  a -> b; a -> c ; b -> c ;
Output a png file to graph2.png, use neato instead of dot in the command and read source from
<dot command="neato"
   src="" type="png" outfile="graph2.png"/>
graph g {
  a -- b ;
  a -- c ;
  a -- d ;
With <doc-...> rules to get links and labels, using attribute defer_="1" in the <dot> so that rewriting is performed in its children before the code is being passed to dot:
digraph g { rankdir = LR; plugins -> asy ; plugins -> dot ; plugins [ href="" ] asy [ href="", label="" ] ; dot [ href="" ] ; } ]]>
<dot defer_="1">
digraph g {
  rankdir = LR;
  plugins -> asy ;
  plugins -> dot ;
  plugins [ href="<doc-url doc-path="plugins"/>" ]
  asy [
     href="<doc-url doc-path="plugins/asy"/>",
     label="<doc-title doc-path="plugins/asy"/>" ] ;
  dot [ href="<doc-url doc-path="plugins/dot"/>" ] ;
Since no outfile attribute is given, the svg file produced is included (no use of <img>).
The node labels are clickable and the links are generated (and so valid) by Stog: g plugins plugins asy Asymptote plugins->asy dot dot plugins->dot
Including again the produced svg file. To avoid conflicts in ids, we use the prefix-svg-ids="foo" attribute:
digraph g { rankdir = LR; a [ shape="box" ] ; a -> b; a -> c ; b -> c ; }]]>
<dot prefix-svg-ids="foo">digraph g {
  rankdir = LR;
  a [ shape="box" ] ;
  a -> b; a -> c ; b -> c ;
g a a b b a->b c c a->c b->c
The contents of the args attribute is used as additional argument to the command which is run:
digraph g { rankdir = LR; a -> b; a -> c ; b -> c ; } ]]>
<dot prefix-svg-ids="bar" args="-Nshape=box">
digraph g {
  rankdir = LR;
  a -> b; a -> c ; b -> c ;
g a a b b a->b c c a->c b->c